Horrible Fashion Trends Are Back and Worse Than Ever


It’s hard to admit, but every year there are tons of new, horrible fashion trends that just seem to never go away. Of course, it doesn’t help that these trends are usually a big hit in one season, and then they’re gone the next. One of the most common trends in 2021 was the mini skirt, which seemed to be very popular among college women (especially those from smaller towns), but it was just a huge fashion bomb because everyone looked like they were two pieces of meat for a cheap costume party! Some people looked better than others, and just overall it wasn’t very pleasing to look at. This trend also started to fade away as the summer progressed, but it wasn’t until the fall that it really went out of style.

Some of the other fashion trends this year have been more problematic. The one on record right now is the “cute short skirts,” and while they have managed to stay mostly in style this year, they have been around for quite some time, and are just downright ugly. They come in all sorts of horrible materials, such as polyester, and are just big piles of skin. It was hard to even tell if they were real clothes or just a pile of skin. Just remember that next time you go out shopping for clothing, unless you’re going to be outfitting a cute little minuscule human female, you might want to pass on the cute short skirt.

The key to avoiding any of the horrible fashion trends of the last few years is just simply to try to be more conscious of what you’re buying. If you see something that you think is kind of sketchy, don’t do anything with it. The best thing to do is to ask a sales clerk what the fad is, and let them be the wiser of your actions. You can still enjoy the trends and still not look cheap.
